Tuesday 21 January 2014

Dinner with Corey Taylor

Source: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/c/corey+taylor/biography.html

I choose Corey Taylor because he is the lead singer of one of my favourite bands "Slipknot".  Five questions i have for Corey would be; Did you think you'd succeed in the music industry when you first started? Whats the meaning of all your songs? Have you changed as a person since Slipknot started? Where has been your favourite place to preform? What are the meanings of your masks? From Corey we can learn may things from his music from teenage suicide to child abuse and especially bullying. Believe once you find meaning to his songs he is an excellent roll model because they all have meaning besides screaming.

Dinner with Edwin Alonzo Boyd

Source: http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/en/article/edwin-alonzo-boyd/

I chose Edwin because he is known as a notorious Canadian bank robber and I've always wanted to meet a real bank robber just to learn their point of view and see how they see why they think what they do is right. Five questions I would ask Edwin would be; How much did you end up getting away with? What ere the thoughts on 2 of your gang members killing the police detective? As a police officers son why did you resort to robbing banks? How did you escape prison twice? and after a life sentence why were you released after only 10 years? From Edwin we can learn that people will do anything for money even rob and kill. I do not believe Edwin would be a good role model because as much as people can change in prison some life dissensions can not be erased.

Dinner with Audie Murphy

I choose Audie Murphy because he is known as the most decorated U.S solider from World War II. It would almost be difficult to only limit the amount of questions to ask this man to 5 but i would have to ask him; Why would he forge his documents to join the army when he was only 16? Why he choose to hold the line? How was he so brave? What its like to be a national hero? and would he have done it again if he had the choice? From this man we can learn that even against all odds one mans courage can carry the weight of all others. I believe that Audie is an excellent role model because of his choices in the war.  

Monday 20 January 2014


 Waking up early and your wide awake. There are mornings where you dread leaving the warmth of your bed. there are mornings were you just don't want to get up right away. There are mornings where it seems impossible to get put of bed right away. Then there are mornings you wake up with a burst of energy and feel wide awake and ready to take on the day. These mornings put you in an instantly better mood because you skip right over the drowsiness you otherwise would have felt. Waking up wide awake also allows you to think clearer getting everything you need done before you leave the house. But don't take this the wrong way, because sleeping in is great too but just skipping the drowsiness is truly awesome.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Court Needs Alternatives in Handling Mentally Ill

In my opinion if they think its a big enough deal to have alternative court rules in handling mentally ill then the criminally insane, then why not just drop the mentally ill into an insane asylum or a specific rehab for them. Even if the rehab program doesn't except mentally ill, teach guards at the court to look after the patients as well as the security of others if they want it fixed that bad.

Responding To a Possible Strike On Syria

I think that due to the fact that Syria only wants to over throw President Bashar al-Assad that the U.S.A shouldn't respond. It would only provoke them more and if their military is as big as they say it is, i think to just let them do what they think needs to be done.only because it will only cost the US more money that they are still recovering from the last wars.

Japanese Population Crisis

"The Japanese now have one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, and at the same time, one of
the highest longevity rates. As a result, the population is dropping rapidly, and becoming
increasingly weighted toward older people.". Why i think its happening like this is because of the earthquake that caused the nuclear plant to get destroyed is having an effect on the fertility rate. Thus making no one able to have babies, weighting the population more toward the seniors.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

China's Pollution Problem

If the United States of America had the same air pollution problem as China they would handle it probably better then China is. Only due to the fact that U.S.A is much smarter when it comes to renewable resource and once the government released statistics about the air pollution it would pretty much scare the citizens into being green. That or every one would move away.

Monday 13 January 2014

Nelson Mandela Quote Response

"Lead from the back- and let other believe they are in front" this quote says not all the credit you diserver should you take credit for. Letting others feel like they are doing a good job every now and again keeps morale up and gives them hope.